
For shareholder consultancy and necessary company operation and financial materials, please visit cninfo.com.cn or company website.
For investor consultancy, please write us a letter or call us.
Address:DCITS Building.No.E.18,A-Park,N0.10 Xibeiwang Dong Rd,Haidian District,Beijing,PRC
Zip Code:100193
Investor hotline:+86 010-61853676
Company Tel:+86 010-62693001
  • Secretary of the Board of Directors
    Mr. Liu Weigang
  • Company choice of information disclosure newspaper designated by CSRC
    《Securities Times》
  • Securities affairs representative
    Ms. Li Dan
  • International website for information disclosure designated by CSRC
陈巴尔虎旗| 齐齐哈尔市| 石阡县| 都兰县| 崇州市| 桐庐县| 阿克| 休宁县| 尚志市| 阳春市| 冷水江市| 思南县| 阳新县| 濮阳市| 鄱阳县| 博兴县| 南华县| 万盛区| 邵武市| 蒲城县| 诏安县| 罗甸县| 祁门县| 高台县| 上杭县| 杂多县| 咸阳市| 天津市| 建宁县| 兴安盟| 通州市| 临安市| 扎鲁特旗| 林西县| 清流县| 曲麻莱县| 营山县| 鹤庆县| 商南县| 大安市| 墨玉县|